TLC Workshop: Bridging Lectures and Labs, November 4

Bridging Lectures and Labs
Monday, November 4, 5:00 – 7:00pm
GC Room 9205

Science instruction is often split between lecture and lab. This division blurs in in practice, as scientific research involves both theoretical and practical components. Lecture typically provides students with foundational knowledge, while labs allow students to practice applying it to their own observations. When combined, these approaches form the two major components of scientific literacy. Students typically do not have the same instructor for both, which can compartmentalize instruction in ways that ultimately hurt student understanding. How might instructors strengthen the instructional bonds between labs and lectures to deepen student engagement and comprehension in science coursework and beyond?

Whether you are just beginning to teach labs in the sciences, or have been teaching for years, the staff of the Teaching and Learning Center invite you to a workshop on Monday November 4th from 5:00 – 7:00pm focused on integrating laboratory instruction with lecture. Participants will begin by focusing on the similarities and differences of laboratory and lecture instruction. From there we will work to bridge learning objectives and ways to manage situations where lecture and lab are taught by different instructors.

To register, visit