

Thank you for visiting the site for the Teaching and Learning Center at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. You can read more about the Center and its mission here.

On the right are recent announcements from the TLC, and below are several of the resources that we provide to the Graduate Center and CUNY communities. These resources will build and change over time, so please check back often!


TLC Initiatives


Teach@CUNY Handbook

The TLC’s handbook for new and continuing college teachers, revised yearly.


Visible Pedagogy

Read reflections on teaching by CUNY graduate students and faculty.


Teach@CUNY Institutes

Learn about the TLC’s Summer and Winter Institutes to support teaching at CUNY.


Workshops Archive

Explore an archive of all TLC workshops, which are openly licensed for reuse and remixing.  


Office Hours Consultation

Request a meeting with a TLC staff member to discuss matters related to your teaching.


GC Online

Collaboration with the GC Digital Initiatives and the Carnegie Educational Technology Fellows program to support online instruction at the Graduate Center.