TLC Workshop: Writing in Non-Writing Courses

Image courtesy of Pete Bakke
cc licensed image courtesy of Pete Bakke

Writing in Non-Writing Courses
Wednesday, 10/26 1-3pm Room 9207

Are you looking for ways to help your students better process theoretical, abstract, or quantitative material? Or for ways to help them recognize and articulate the broader relevance and applicability of what they’ve learned in your class? Incorporating frequent and varied writing exercises is an effective teaching strategy across the disciplines, even in undergraduate courses where students don’t usually do a lot of writing.

Please join the Teaching and Learning Center on Wednesday 10/26 from 1-3pm for a workshop on Writing in Non-Writing Courses. In this workshop we will pay particular attention to the challenges and opportunities of integrating writing assignments into STEM and social science courses, but those teaching courses in the humanities will get much from the workshop as well.

We’ll briefly explore Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) pedagogy and its core tenet that writing to learn is as important as learning to write. We’ll discuss low-, middle-, and high-stakes writing assignments, identify moments in your courses when you can incorporate purposeful writing, and share strategies for how to respond to and grade student writing in an efficient and productive way. And we’ll showcase some creative writing assignments from chemistry, mathematics, biology, and computer science courses from across CUNY.

Please bring a draft of a writing assignment for a course in which you would like to do do more writing with your students (this can be a very rough draft!). The TLC will be happy to work with you to craft an effective writing prompt for your class that helps student engage more productively with course material.

Please RSVP here.