Teach@CUNY August Institute

The Teaching and Learning Center invites Graduate Center students who will be teaching as Graduate Teaching Fellows or adjuncts across CUNY campuses to the Teach@CUNY August Institute on Wednesday and Thursday August 14th and 15th from 10am-4pm at the Graduate Center. The Institute is designed to address attendees’ needs as they prepare to teach in the fall semester.

This event will be staffed by TLC Graduate and Post-doctoral fellows, who will facilitate conversations around topics selected by attendees. The event will be structured much like an “unconference,” driven by and responsive to the needs and interests of those who attend.

The Institute will feature spaces to explore the following:

  • syllabi and assignment ideas;
  • lecture and discussion strategies;
  • integrating educational technology and open educational resources into teaching;
  • crafting purposeful writing and experiential learning assignments;
  • socially conscious and decolonizing approaches in the classroom;
  • teaching lab sections or working as a teaching assistant,
  • mental health and college instruction;
  • time management and grading strategies;
  • teaching in your discipline;
  • and much more…

Those interested in attending should register here, and plan to arrive in Room C415A at the Graduate Center by 10am to kick off each day. Attendees are not expected to attend the full Institute and can come and go as they please, though they are strongly encouraged to attend the opening session so that they can help shape the conversations that will come.

In addition to the August Institute, Graduate Center students may be interested in registering for PDEV 79401 Teaching Strategies, which will meet on Friday morning from 9:30-11:30 this fall. The course is being taught by TLC Director Luke Waltzer, and will extend the conversations launched at this summer’s Teach@CUNY Institutes while giving college teachers space and community with which to reflect upon their work in the classroom.

If you need more information or have any questions, please email [email protected].