TLC Workshop: Questioning our Linguistic Practices

TLC Workshop: Questioning our Linguistic Practices
Monday, November 11, 3-5 pm
GC Room 9205

How does your linguistic positionality shape your teaching and learning practices? How do we engage the multilingual student body within the CUNY system? Despite the linguistic diversity within  CUNY, our pedagogical practices often do not align with this reality: classes tend to be monolingual, asking students to produce knowledge (essays, papers, presentations and more) in academic/standard English. In this workshop we will envision pedagogical tools that are inclusive of the different languages, dialects, and linguistic repertoires that students speak.

Join the TLC for a workshop on Monday, November 11 3-5 pm in Room 9205 to question our linguistic practices in the classroom and investigate multiples alternatives que van más allá de la clase monolingüe. Our linguistic practices refer to the language(s) and dialect(s) we speak, read, think, and teach in/with/in (between). Thus, language is a social construct, a product of class, racialized, ethnic, and gendered experiences. Linguistic practices also refer to the how of language: tone, body language, colloquialisms, gestures. We will explore linguistic positionality, for ourselves and our students, in order to understand the institutional burbuja en la que nos encontramos. The lived realities of institutional demands such as pressure to succeed and adherence to learning structures we already know have implications that privilege Standard American English.

We invite you to discuss the politics of language and bring an assignment, rubric, or assessment tool to workshop for language inclusivity.

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