Spring 2020 Course: Teaching Strategies

Fridays, 11:45am-1:45pm

Dr. Kaitlin Mondello, The Teaching and Learning Center, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Come spend lunchtime on Fridays to learn more about, practice, and reflect on pedagogy here at CUNY and in Higher Ed.

This course provides Graduate Center students with community and structure to help them prepare for and reflect on teaching at CUNY. This work proceeds from an understanding of the social contexts of teaching at CUNY, as well as the positionalities of graduate student instructors and adjuncts. This discussion-based course will use short theoretical readings to facilitate participants’ development of their own teaching philosophies and materials. The curriculum and structure will be responsive to the needs of the group.

Are you

interested in learning more about pedagogy?

teaching for the first time?

preparing to teach in the future?

wanting to improve your teaching?

looking for a supportive, interdisciplinary community?

developing your teaching philosophy and portfolio?

interested in liberatory/critical pedagogy for social justice?


Course topics include

classroom community

student-centered and active learning approaches

course design and policies

lesson planning

time management

assignment design


educational technology

writing pedagogy

creative and alternative pedagogies

Critical University Studies


Register now on CUNYFirst for PDEV 79401

Professional Development Course Descriptions from The Writing Center

For more information, email [email protected]