TLC Workshop: Reframing the Final Paper: Alternative and Creative Assignments

Reframing the Final Paper: Alternative and Creative Assignments
Tuesday, February 11 | 4:00pm – 5:30pm | Room 9205

Writing is a central aspect of academic life. As instructors, we regularly assign essays, compositions, proposals, annotated bibliographies, and final papers. There are, however, alternatives or accompaniments to these written assignments that may accomplish similar goals. Podcasts, zines, timelines, and other creative assignments allow students to produce artifacts with broad audiences in mind, and to acquire knowledge and transferable skills that they can use throughout their lives and careers. These approaches also can invigorate the writing that students do in their courses and, by allowing alternative paths to engage with course material, may facilitate deeper connections with our fields.

In this workshop we will explore how we might channel the goals of the traditional writing assignment into more creative projects. We will work together to imagine assignments that combine multiple modalities and skills and/or allow students to create public-facing artifacts. And, we’ll discuss how to assess and evaluate such projects.

Attendees are encouraged to bring a traditional written assignment to workshop with the group that they’d like to modify.

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