Tweak Your Course Workshop

Tweak Your Course Workshop
September 23, 2020
12:30-2pm, On Zoom

We are now a few weeks into the Fall 2020 semester. How are the engagements of our students shaping the class? Are our students participating, or are they reticent? How are the pandemic’s threat and ramifications, the new dynamics of distance learning, and the highly charged political environment, impacting our classes?

Most course planning is done prior to the semester. But there are always opportunities to revisit our plans, and make adjustments. It can be helpful to talk through options, strategies, and choices with colleagues.

Please join TLC staff and other Graduate Center educators to discuss the challenges that we are all facing as educators, as learners, or both, and the opportunities we have to adjust. Tweaking your course can allow space for adding culturally and socio-emotionally responsive materials tailored to your students’ interests and needs. You might want to refine redefine the scope of the class’ final project, or design new approaches to assessments that are better attuned to the context. Or maybe you want to make smaller adjustments, such as tweaking a single assignment or lesson plan, refining a particular student expectation, or changing some other small element of your course to help cultivate deeper engagement among your students.

By talking through the challenges that we’ve faced early during the semester, we might find inspiration and new tools that allow us to better meet our course’s goals. Come share ideas and challenges with a community of GC educators.

To RSVP, please complete this form. An email with the zoom link will be sent by 9/23. 

If you cannot make a workshop at this time, please make an Office Hours appointment here: