TLC Workshop: Listening in the Classroom

Listening in the Classroom: How to Foster Student Agency
Tuesday, September 28, 10-11:30am, On Zoom

Traditional models of education often render students into passive subjects. In these approaches, listening is supposed to allow learners to acquire information delivered unidirectionally. However, many pedagogues, including the Reggio Emilia movement (pedagogy of listening) and Paulo Freire (critical pedagogy), have proposed more active approaches to listening in the classroom while empowering students in their role as learners.

This workshop will explore different listening strategies in the classroom to help students claim agency in the learning process. We will discuss how to incorporate students’ voices in curricular design, by allowing them to shape class topics based on their interests. By creating spaces for reflection and discussion, students can better understand their role in the learning process. Through open discussion and group works, students will develop listening and interpretative capacity.

Join us Tuesday, September 28, from 10-11:30am to explore the many ways listening would contribute to a more equitable and participatory classroom.

To register for this workshop, please visit:ย