TLC Spring Event Assignment Hack-a-thon

On February 17th, 2023 the Graduate Center’s Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) will host an “Assignment Hack-a-thon,” in which GC student instructors will be invited to participate in an in-person event that blends workshop, collaborative working session, and community gathering. The Assignment Hack-a-Thon will feature a discussion and exploration of inclusive teaching methods paired with collaborative work, music, and light snacks.

During the event, attendees will “hack” assignments for future use in CUNY classrooms. “Hacking” can include sourcing materials to make the assignment more relevant for CUNY students, annotating assignments to explain and expand learning goals, and altering the assignments to foster inclusivity and increased student engagement. The goal of the “Assignment Hack-a-thon” is to revisit and revise assignments that will then be shared publicly in the TLC’s Assignment Library, a repository of sample assignments for instructors that will be launched in Spring 2023.

To register and participate in the Hack-a-thon GC students should complete the form below. Once participation is confirmed, you will be asked to compile a few assignments to work with at the hack-a-thon event. The TLC will pay 25 GC student instructors $100/each to participate in the Hack-a-thon.

The Assignment Hack-a-thon is February 17, 2023 from 1-5pm in Room 3317 at the Graduate Center.

This event is hosted by the TLC with support from the Transformative Learning in the Humanities program.

Hack-A-Thon Registration Form: