TLC Talk: Teaching and Parenting

TLC Talk: Teaching and Parenting
April 27, 1:00 pm-2:00pm, on Zoom
To register:

Parenting is one of the most transformative and enriching learning processes through which we may ever go. Teaching and parenting inform each other. In both scenarios we constantly unlearn stereotypes and structures as we build trusting relationships. We commit ourselves to supporting the growth of others, and work through boundaries and motivation.

At the same time, having children is exhausting, physically and mentally, and often seen as incompatible with getting a university degree. As graduate students, our inexperience and general fears sit on top of other anxieties related to work, finances, and immigration status.

For this TLC talk, we invite a conversation that takes an extended perspective on parenting and caring. We will delve into our roles as parents/caregivers and teachers, the question of affective labor, language ideologies, and methods and strategies that stem from our daily experiences bringing up children. We hope to fold diverse approaches of interests for the GC community at large into our discussion as it brings together those who care for teaching and teach with care,

This event is open to everyone who wants to talk and share about the challenge of caring and sometimes feel discouraged to engage with this transformative experience.

To register: