TLC Late Summer Institute

The Teaching and Learning Center will host a Late Summer Institute on August 21st and 22nd from 10am to 3pm in Room 3317 at the CUNY Graduate Center. The Late Summer Institute is open to all students and faculty at the Graduate Center, and will provide support and community as we prepare our courses for the Fall 2023 semester.

On both days, the morning session will offer several discussion rooms for instructors to receive feedback and guidance on syllabi, assignments, ed tech, hybrid/online courses design, classroom practices and grading. At 1pm instructors are invited to engage with TLC and their peers in themed conversation on topics such as abolitionist pedagogy, teaching in the age of AI, and attendee-suggested topics. Individual meetings with TLC staff are available after 3pm.

Late Summer Institute Schedule

10:00-10:15am: Welcome & Coffee: GC Room 3317

10:15am-12:15pm: Meeting & Discussion Rooms:

  • Syllabi
  • Assignment Design
  • Educational Technology and Hybrid/Online Course Design
  • Classroom Practices
  • Grading

12:15-1:00pm: Lunch (on own)

1:00-3:00pm: Themed Conversations: Abolitionist Pedagogy, Teaching in the Age of  AI, and More…

3:00-4:30pm: Individual Meetings with TLC Staff


Please register for the Late Summer Institute here:

If you are unable to attend the institute but would like to schedule a consultation with TLC staff please submit a request here:

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

In addition, GC students may be interested in registering for PDEV 79401: Teaching Strategies, a zero credit course developed by the TLC that will be taught in Fall 2023 by TLC Post-Doctoral Fellow Şule Aksoy. Here is a description of the course:

Teaching Strategies (PDEV 79401)
This course provides Graduate Center students from all disciplines with community and structure to help them prepare for and reflect upon their development as teachers. Our work will proceed from an understanding of the social contexts of teaching, as well as the positionalities of graduate student instructors and adjuncts. Short theoretical readings will help guide participants’ exploration and development of their teaching philosophies and materials. The course curriculum and structure will be responsive to the group’s needs, and the moments when we teach. Foundational topics explored in the course will include classroom community, student-centered and active learning approaches, accessibility, course design and policies, lesson planning, assignment design, assessment, educational technologies and online learning, cultivating student writing, affective responses in classroom settings, and culturally responsive pedagogy. Please email Dr. Şule Aksoy with questions about the course at [email protected].