Today the TLC launches its programming for the 2024-2025 academic year.
We’ll offer eleven workshops on topics ranging from critical approaches to grading, using archival materials in language courses, AI literacy, patterns and pedagogy, equity-oriented teaching, universal design for learning, and more. To read more about our workshops, visit, and to register visit
The TLC will once again host Focused Inquiry Groups (FIGs), which organize Graduate Center students into groups to pursue a set of questions and to develop a project or public artifact that shares their thinking with the broader community. FIGs are paid opportunities to reflect with committed colleagues over the coming months on topics including equity-oriented teaching, developing future-oriented interdisciplinary curricula, critical approaches to thinking about artificial intelligence, and the future of the humanities at the Graduate Center.
Applications are due October 14th, and selected participants will receive a $500 honorarium. To read more about the TLC’s FIGs and for instructions on how to apply, visit
Pedagogy in Practice
The TLC will be offering classroom observation and feedback services to Graduate Center student instructors who are teaching at CUNY. TLC Fellows will meet with instructors individually to understand their objectives, then conduct a pressure-free classroom observation, and then offer constructive feedback.
To read more about the Pedagogy in Practice program, visit, and to sign up for an observation, visit
Book Club
The TLC will host a book club where we think together about the future of science education, the place of our field within broader sociopolitical structures, and social justice. We’ll read Transformative Science Teaching: A Catalyst for Justice and Sustainability by Dr. Daniel Morales-Doyle, and meet early in Spring 2025 to discuss its implications on our work at CUNY and beyond. To learn more and for a discount code to purchase the book, visit
Office Hours, Consultations, and Program Visits
Staff from the TLC continue to be available to meet with students during our regular office hours or by appointment. TLC staff are also happy to visit Graduate Center academic programs to talk about our services, discuss teaching, and develop custom workshops. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.