TLC Workshops: Spring 2024

Below is the schedule of TLC Workshops during the Spring 2024 semester.

Building Community with Routine and Ritual

Kristi Riley and Oriana Mejías Martínez
Thursday, February 15
Online, 4:00-5:30 PM

Routine and ritual can help transform the classroom into a communal space that supports collaborative learning. We will explore activities and strategies that help students feel more grounded and create structure for imaginative and critical thinking.

Zoom Registration

Questions are the Answer

Şule Aksoy and Kristi Riley
Wednesday, Feb 21
Online, 5:00 – 6:30 PM

Effective questioning strategies can lead to increased student participation. We will experiment with and explore the effective use of questions for inquiry-based learning and develop strategies to bring questions into our classes.

Zoom Registration

Blended Practices

Manju Adikesavan and Oriana Mejías Martínez
Thursday, Feb 22
Hyflex (On Zoom and in Room 3317), 4:00-5:30 PM

The ongoing intensification of remote and hybrid teaching requires instructors to thoughtfully incorporate tech-infused learning activities into their courses. Learn to effectively assert your agency and identity as an engaged instructor through intentionally blended online and in-person teaching practices.

Zoom Registration
In-person Registration

Intimacy and Boundaries

Jeff Voss and Ana Flavia Badue
Thursday, February 29
In-person (Room 3317), 4:00-5:30 PM

For graduate student teachers who are committed to their students, it is a challenge to keep up with the expectations, constraints, and depletions that surround us. Come discuss how to ground our expectations around intimacy, critical inquiry, and a political commitment to social transformation without overextending ourselves.


Disciplinary Thinking and AI Literacy

Zach Muhlbauer and Manju Adikesevan
Monday, March 4
Hyflex (On Zoom and in Room 3317), 3:00-4:30 PM

Instructors teaching with artificial intelligence face critical issues in data privacy, intellectual property, and algorithmic bias. Join us to learn how these concerns can inform the selection of AI tools suitable for your discipline, and how to impart similar AI literacies to your students.

Zoom Registration
In-person Registration

Art in Non-Art Classes

Oriana Mejías Martínez and Ana Flavia Badue
Thursday, March 7th
In person (Room 3317), 4:00-5:30 PM

Artistic activities encourage students to use their imagination when learning. If your teaching belongs to non-artistic disciplines, let’s imagine possibilities for incorporating artistic activities and assignments in the classroom.


Peer and Group Work

Şule Aksoy
Tuesday, March 12
Online, 10:30 AM- 12 PM

Group work is essential in STEM instruction for promoting student engagement, experiential learning, and scientific practice skills. This workshop will simulate how to structure group work and scaffold peer-led team learning for a variety of settings in CUNY classrooms.

Zoom Registration

Social Annotation

Pedro Cabello del Moral and Zach Muhlbauer
Monday, March 18
Online, 3:00-4:30 PM

Looking for ways to make reading more active and engaged? Come learn the basics of social annotation with Hypothesis, an open-source annotation tool that allows students to highlight and comment on readings collaboratively. Instructors will gain hands-on exposure to Hypothesis and consider ways to resocialize reading both in and out of the classroom.

Zoom Registration


Jeff Voss and Chandni Tariq
Wednesday, March 20
In-Person (Room 3317), 4:00-5:30 PM

“Interpretations abound, good noticing does not!” “Noticing” aims to recenter the practice of reading on the student’s visceral encounter with a text, away from expectations to extract “meaning” or immediately understand what a text is “about.” Noticing offers new strategies for teaching reading that will ultimately make their students’ analyses and interpretations more sensitive and authoritative.


Digital Portfolios / Digital Presence

Laurie Hurson and Şule Aksoy
Wednesday, March 27
Online, 10:30AM-12:00 PM

Developing a digital presence allows you to publicize your academic work, report on research, and share other creative endeavors. In this workshop we will share models of portfolios on the CUNY Academic Commons and cover how to get started building your own.

Zoom Registration


Ana Flavia Badue (TLC) and Analise Caviasco (Wellness Center)
Thursday, April 11th
Online, 4:00-5:30 PM

Does teaching make you anxious? How do you usually cope with that? Come to this workshop to collectively acknowledge the stressors of teaching and discuss techniques for managing anxiety.

Zoom Registration

Game-based Learning

Şule Aksoy
Tuesday, April 16
In-person, 5:00-6:30 PM

Games are fun! Let’s play some and talk about how to use them in teaching.
