Announcing TLC Workshop on Good Faith Pedagogy (3/22), and TLC Talk on Teaching as a BIPOC Grad Student (3/23)
Author: Luke Waltzer
Luke Waltzer is Director of the Teaching and Learning Center at The Graduate Center, CUNY
Call for TLC Fellows: 2023-2024 Academic Year
Announcing: Call for TLC Fellows for 2023-2024
TLC Workshop: Critical Media Literacies
TLC Workshop: Critical Media Literacies, March 15, 2023
TLC Talk: Teaching Through Crises
TLC Talk: Teaching through Crises, 2/28, 1pm in the Dining Commons
TLC Programs: Spring 2023
Announcing TLC programming Spring 2023
TLC’s Mid-Winter Institute: January 23-24, 2023
Schedule for TLC's Mid-Winter Institute, January 23-24, 2023
TLC Workshop: Engaging Students Through In-Class Activities
TLC Workshop: Engaging Students Through In-Class Activities, November 10th
TLC Workshops, 10/26: Creating Open Courses and Creating Low Stakes Assignments
TLC Workshops, 10/26: Creating Open Courses and Creating Low Stakes Assignments
TLC Workshop: The Accessible Lab
TLC Workshop: The Accessible Lab, 10/10, 7pm
TLC Fall 2022 Workshops Schedule
TLC Workshops, Fall 2022