Developing Socially Conscious Praxis for the University Classroom

Developing Socially Conscious Praxis for the University Classroom Workshop

January 18th 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Room 9204

RSVP Required

Join us on January 18th to create or develop an assignment, project or activity you plan on doing with your students in the Spring!

In Developing Socially Conscious Praxis for the University Classroom, attendees will explore teaching in the current political climate and craft assignments and projects that embody socially conscious practices. We will think through the principles that guide our teaching — tracing how those values are shaped and influenced by our institutions, disciplines, philosophies, and positionalities, and identifying how they manifest in practice. This workshop offers the opportunity and space to explore teaching as an activist practice, and to build community around this shared goal.

This workshop is the second part of the Developing Socially Conscious Pedagogy Educator Series which was started by a group of GC graduate student educators seeking to increase dialogue at the GC about racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, ableism and other marginalizing forces and interlocking systems of oppression. These marginalizing social forces are produced and reproduced in academia, and manifest in multiple forms across the university, including our classrooms. This series seeks to confront-disrupt-resist these systems by inviting educators’ participation in the exploration, imagination and commitment to socially conscious practices.

Look out for the third part of the series, an exciting panel of doctoral student educators offering resources and strategies for selecting texts and including scholarship that resist, rework and expand their disciplinary canons.

For questions please email [email protected]