Series on Teaching with the CUNY Academic Commons (WordPress)

The CUNY Academic Commons, a WordPress teaching and learning platform based at the Graduate Center, is being used by faculty in a variety of graduate and undergraduate courses across CUNY. This workshop series will introduce the CUNY Academic Commons and Open Digital Pedagogy, and will go over the basics of teaching on the CUNY Commons. Workshop attendees will be introduced to several course models, and will have access to guidance and materials for getting a course up and running. Ideas for asynchronous assignments and final projects will also be shared.

Attendees can dip in and out of workshops to learn more about each topic, or can progress through the series to create their course on the CUNY Academic Commons. Participants in any of these workshops are invited to join this Commons group  for asynchronous discussion and feedback There will be opportunities for 1-on-1 synchronous feedback sessions and office hours through Zoom.

To get started with these workshops you will need to join the CUNY Academic Commons. Directions are also incorporated into each workshop.

This workshop series was developed by Laurie Hurson for the Teach@CUNY 2020 Summer Institute.

Learning Goals

  • Demonstrate familiarity of theories and practices of open digital pedagogy
  • Understand the basics of WordPress and the role of the CUNY Academic Commons
  • Explore and analyze several models for teaching on the Commons
  • Create a course website and/or group on the CUNY Academic Commons
  • Design asynchronous assignment(s) or final project to be scaffolded or completed on the Commons

Individual Workshops in Series

Introduction to Open Digital Pedagogy

What do we mean by “open” teaching? And how does “open” relate to “digital pedagogy”? This workshop will introduce the foundations of open digital pedagogy and provide examples from The CUNY Academic Commons, a WordPress teaching and learning platform used by faculty in a variety of graduate and undergraduate courses across CUNY.

Getting Started on the Commons

The CUNY Academic Commons, a WordPress teaching and learning platform based at the Graduate Center, is being used by faculty in a variety of graduate and undergraduate courses across CUNY. This workshop will go over the basics of teaching on the CUNY Commons, introduce several course models, and provide guidance for getting a course up and running.

Building A Course Site

This workshop will walk through the steps to building a WordPress site on the CUNY Academic Commons. Explanations and paired activities walk the user through the dashboard, how to create pages, posts, and menus, adding media, and customizing the site with header images, themes and plugins.

Building A Course Group

This workshop will walk through the steps to building a Group on the CUNY Academic Commons. Explanations and paired activities walk the user through group areas and adding content.