Welcome to the TLC guide to Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC), Writing in the Disciplines (WID), and the Quantitative Reasoning Fellowship (QRF).
The first section below contains a brief overview of the origins of WAC, info on the application process, your duties as a Writing Fellow, and how your WAC experience can help you on the job market.
The second section discusses WAC pedagogy and some core practices such as low-stakes writing, scaffolding, and strategies for responding to student writing. It also explains WID and gives some suggestions on how to use WID pedagogy in humanities, social sciences, and science classrooms.
The final two sections contain links to WAC program websites at CUNY campuses, contact info for all WAC coordinators, and a useful list of resources on WAC/WID/QRF pedagogy.
WAC programs vary from campus to campus, so when you’re in the process of applying for the fellowship or getting ready for your time as a Writing Fellow, please also refer to your campus’ WAC program page and reach out to the WAC coordinator.
We understand that some information in the guides below may be inaccurate or out of date. We will do our best to keep these guides current, but please do not hesitate to request a correction or make a suggestion via this form.