TLC Workshop: Critical Media Literacies

Critical Media Literacies
MarchΒ 15, 2023
12-1:30 on Zoom
Hosted by Pedro Cabello del Moral

To a greater or a lesser degree, instructors inhabit environs of multimedia classrooms. We employ videos to illustrate a topic, to help understand a problem, to elicit reflection, to incite action, etc. However, film and media affect us in many ways that are neither obvious nor transparent. That is why a critical approach to audiovisual discourses and uses is key for those interested in education for transformation and social change. Understanding media from a critical standpoint entails challenging representations, deconstructing myths, and developing counterhegemonic stories as we value student’s digital media savviness.

This workshop examines aspects of the concept of Critical Media Literacy and its possibilities in working with CUNY’s student body. It is designed for instructors from all fields in the humanities, social sciences and STEM who are interested in knowing more about critical approaches to media and how to engage students in media analysis and creation.
