Announcing the publication of the TLC Guide “WAC/WID and QR.”
Category: QRF
WAC/WID Pedagogy
WAC Pedagogy At the core of WAC pedagogy lies the idea that learning to write and writing to learn are equally important. In other words, continuous writing practice helps students to both improve their writing skills and better understand course material. WAC approaches writing not merely as a communication skill but also as a process …
WAC/WID/QRF Links and Resources
Contact Info for WAC Coordinators: WAC coordinators, 2015-2016 WAC @ CUNY This site contains links to Writing/QR Fellows job descriptions for each college, WAC at CUNY 10-year review, and founding documents (1999 Board Resolution). Senior Colleges Baruch, Brooklyn, City College, CityTech, Hunter, John Jay, Lehman, Medgar Evers, Queens, Staten Island, York College Community Colleges Borough of Manhattan Community College, Bronx Community College, Queensborough Community College, Guttman Community College, …