WAC/WID/QRF Links and Resources

Contact Info for WAC Coordinators:

WAC coordinators, 2015-2016


This site contains links to Writing/QR Fellows job descriptions for each college, WAC at CUNY 10-year review, and founding documents (1999 Board Resolution).

Senior Colleges

BaruchBrooklynCity College, CityTechHunterJohn JayLehmanMedgar EversQueensStaten IslandYork College 

Community Colleges

Borough of Manhattan Community College, Bronx Community College, Queensborough Community CollegeGuttman Community College,  Hostos Community CollegeKingsborough Community College, LaGuardia Community College.

Professional Schools

CUNY School of Professional Studies

Resources / Readings

  • Bean, John C. Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom. 2nd Ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2011. One of the foundational books on WAC, this is a great introduction to WAC pedagogy with many sample exercises and suggestions on how to integrate WAC into your classroom.
  • Elbow, Peter. “High Stakes and Low Stakes in Assigning and Responding to Writing.” New Directions for Teaching and Learning 69 (1997).  This article describes the importance of assigning low- and middle stakes writing assignments and gives tips on how to respond to what may feel like an insurmountable amount of student writing.
  • Russell, David R. “Writing across the Curriculum in Historical Perspective: Toward a Social Interpretation.” College English 52.1 (1990). This article gives an overview of writing instruction at American universities and link WAC to previous attempts to improve writing instruction across the curriculum and to Great Works programs and the General Education curriculum.
  • Shaughnessy, Mina. Errors and Expectations: A Guide for the Teacher of Basic Writing. (1977). In this seminal work, Shaughnessy explores the writing problems of underprepared freshmen and offers solutions on how to teach basic writing.
  • WAC Clearinghouse: A National Journal for Writing Across the Curriculum This is a great resource for all things WAC. The WAC-journal is an annual collection of articles by educators about their WAC ideas and experiences.

For more information please visit the WAC Resource Center on CUNY Academic Commons. Here you will find links to core WAC resources, many of which you will read for the WAC professional development series.

For more information on the Quantitative Reasoning Fellowship, please click here for the QRF group on CUNY Academic Commons

The WAC/WID and QR Guide:

About WAC, WAC-WID Pedagogy, Quantitative Reasoning Fellowship, WAC-WID and QRF Links and Resources